Monday, 17 October 2011

De-potting Dior!

I feel like a weight has been lifted, in more ways than one.  I decided only last week to de-pot my very much loved Dior 5 Colour eye shadows compacts because, er, I haven't found them very compact in my work kit.
I have a number of favourite Dior and Guerlain compacts I regularly use on photoshoots, tv commercial and events that are packaged beautifully and always get a 'oooh', 'ahhh' response from clients but carrying my pretty eye colours have added a little too much weight and with my endless effort to downsize to a more efficient kit I had to bite the bullet and purchase a Scotty's Black Magnetic Palette from what is evidently becoming my second home, Guru Emporium!

A few nights ago, I watched a few tutorials particularly on removing Dior colours, chatted with Z Palette on Twitter and felt a lump in my throat at the thought of possibly destroying these beauty gems I'd grown so fond of.  My plan was to buy Z Palette, this seemed to be the most popular choice and I liked the clear cover, which I knew would be a time saver but during my visit to Guru I noticed only small versions that might only fit one compact.  I came across Scotty's Palette, this seemed much the same thing, although approximately £5 more than Z Palette but with empty metal pans.  Oh well, being slightly impatient about these things I bit that bullet and headed home with a Scotty's palette to remove the outer casing of each compact one by one.
I planned to do the hair straightener trick, this seemed simple enough on the first attempt.  I used a very small sharp knife to prize the metal pans, easy peasy!  I then tried this without heating the inner case, JOY, they came out quite easily, in fact, I did not destroy one eye colour, OVERJOYED!

I must admit the Guerlain compacts were certainly tricky and took more prizing and patience but all in all I am chuffed with the my new palette and now keen to muster up the patience to create a blush palette!


  1. Love this! Wish I had the guts (or ability!!!) to do this. xx

  2. Oh wow, I've never seen anything other than MAC pans depotted, and after destroying many, I've steered clear of depots. Might try this one day...

  3. Why has that put me anonymous?

    Sam -! Xx

  4. Ah Sam, its you! Yes, I agree, it is a taxing task and when you have the pressure of possibly destroying much loved compacts it isn't an easy decision to make. But I have to say it was far easier than I thought it would be. There are so many online tutorials! x

  5. I wiped out £150 worth of depotted MAC shadows when I dropped a 16 pan on a client's quarry tiled floor... that puts me off having big palettes again!

    Sam (MAF)

  6. Oh, think would be put anyone off. The MAC ones were never very secure. I found that they would fall apart quite quickly and smash easily even though I would put a layer of plastic over the top. I shall let you know how this palette goes. I'd be beyond mortified if it broke!!x

  7. I'm such a depotting, z-palette addict! If only mine looked as pretty as yours!!! x

  8. I'm sure they do! I am loving it, unfortunately kit is still heavy but more efficient! Thanks Rebecca! x
